Listening 2 pg 141 nr 3,4,5 3) 1. He was arrested for hacking in a larg american company. 2. He is a computer security expert. 3. They hand over info like passwords without checking the person. 4. Guest, demo, help. 5. It restricts acces to the network. 6. You can make sure that clients are who they say they are. 7. A dictionary word, names. 8. Failed acces or log on attempts. 4) 1. At school he discovered that wat the computers would let him see depended on what pasword he typed in. 2. He got in the part of the system that asked for hes id but also displayed the id on the same screen. 3. For money , criminal purp. , political purp. , for the challange . 4. It was a challenge and yust for fun. 5. They boasted to freands and girls so they got known by the police. 6. Because he knows the ways in wich he would try to brake in to your system. 7. No, hackers do not tend to know eachother because it is illigal. 8. Hollywood shows hackers coming into computers by the internet. but in reality it is mostly the company's staff who abuse the company's system. 9. It's not more dangerous than using your creditcard with the telephone or beeing sloppy with your credit card at stores. 10. You should get a seccond credit card with a small limit on it. 5) 1. They left a very rude message for the CEO. 2. Someone who advises company's how to prevent hacking. 3. By guessing somebody's password or finding a bug. 4. A computer geek, Young anorak. 5. They meet at conferences at time to time. 6. I don't go mush for the hollywood hacker. 7. It's the retailers who get there money stolen. 8. You would need a reader on your pc.