Use case diagram

sous système entité de référence du GEM




consulter le liste



but :

Afficher un liste avec les entité de reference , il existe 7 sorte d’entité :



Werkelijke sporen




Lokale zones

The list can be watched in different ways, with 3 options :

L’ordre (sorted by the diferent descriptors)

Le direction de triage (descendant ou relèvement )

Starting from a value

scénario de succès :

The user fills in his username and password

Systeem checks the login and pasword

Systeem shows the applications that are available for this user

user clicks the application ‘freight station management’

user selects the wanted referentie entiteit.

System fetches the records from the database en shows them in a list

User changes the list by changing the options (fr : parametres)

(l’ordre , le direction de triage, strating from a value)

system fetches the records from the database by the new settings

exceptions :

- il n’y a pas de données

- the records where the start- or enddate aren’t filled in, are displayed with a red color.

- if the search value isn’t found, the list starts from the next record.

- the form of the search value doesn’t comfirm with the sort order.



innover le liste



but :

Renewing the current list to the most recent version.

scénario de succès :

System shows the asked list.

User pushes the button ‘refresh’

System renews the list with the current options, and on the current place in the list. 

exceptions :

- il n’y a plus de données apres le refresh

- if the search value isn’t found, the list starts from the next record.

- the form of the search value doesn’t comfirm with the sort order.



naviguer dans le liste



but :

With the 4 buttons on top of the list, the user can navigate in the list, these buttons are : naviguer vers le début du table

naviguer vers le fin du table

naviguer vers le prochain record

naviguer vers le record précédent

scénario de succès :

System shows the asked list

User pushes on one of the navigation buttons

System renews the list with the current options, but on the new location.

exceptions :

- the end of the list is already made (for next)

- you are already at the first record of the list (for previous)


sous système transactions FSM & Graphique








consulter le liste



but :

Displaying a list with FSM transactions, there are 6 kinds :

Operatie type



Trein op localisatie

Grafiek weergave

Grafiek opbouw

The list can be watched in different ways, with the use of the parameters :


Le direction de triage

Le terme de recherche

Te user can only see the cz’s or groups which are approved for him , with the fields he can change the parameters

scénario de succès :

The user fills in his username and password

Systeem checks the login and pasword

Systeem shows the applications that are available for this user

user clicks the application ‘freight station management’

user selects the wanted referentie entiteit.

System looks at the restrictions of the user

System fetches the records from the database en shows them in a list

User selects the communicationzone or group that he wants to see.

System fetches the records from that group or cz

User changes the list by changing the options (fr : parametres)

(l’ordre , le direction de triage, strating from a value)

system fetches the records from the database by the new settings

exceptions :

- il n’y a pas de données

- the records where the start- or enddate aren’t filled in, are displayed with a red color.

- if the search value isn’t found, the list starts from the next record.

- the form of the search value doesn’t comfirm with the sort order.

- there are no communicationzones or groups appointet to the user.



innover le liste



but :

Renewing the current list to the most recent version.

scénario de succès :

System shows the asked list.

User pushes the button ‘refresh’

System renews the list with the current options, and on the current place in the list. 

exceptions :

- il n’y a plus de données apres le refresh

- if the search value isn’t found, the list starts from the next record.

- the form of the search value doesn’t comfirm with the sort order.




naviguer dans le liste



but :

With the 4 buttons on top of the list, the user can navigate in the list, these buttons are : naviguer vers le début du table

naviguer vers le fin du table

naviguer vers le prochain record

naviguer vers le record précédent

scénario de succès :

System shows the asked list

User pushes on one of the navigation buttons

System renews the list with the current options, but on the new location.

exceptions :

- the end of the list is already made (for next)

- you are already at the first record of the list (for previous)



montre le représentation détail



but :

A detailpage from one ore more records.

scénario de succès :

System shows the asked list

User selects one or more records

User clicks the detail button

System shows the first selected record,with the naviationbuttons he can navigate to an other selected record.

exceptions :

- there are no selected records

- the selected records are already erased by another user.



faire des changements de données



but :

With the detailpage the user can

Ajouter un record

Effacer un record

Changer un record

ajouter et effacer can also be done bij the buttons on top of the list.

scénario de succès :

System shows the asked list

User selects one or more records

User clicks on the button effacer, ajouter ou détail.

Gebruiker klikt op de knop verwijderen, toevoegen of detail

System shows the first selected record,with the naviationbuttons he can navigate to an other selected record.

User clicks on the button ajouter, modifier ou effacer , and makes his changements.

The system checks if the changements are allowed (fe, when you add a record it checks if the record doesn’t exist already).

The system makes the changements in the database.

The system shows the new or changed records on the screen.

exceptions :

- there are no selected records

- the selected records are already erased by another user.

- there already exists a record with the new parameters.

- the record may not be deleted because he has childrecords.

sous système graphique



consultation du graphique



but :

The user inserts his parameters and the grafiek is shown on the screen.

Each user has to tell his group, because the users cannot see al the communicationzone’s.

The parameters can also be entered by selecting a grafiek weergave.

These parameters exiist of the communicationzone

Het spoor

de filters

scénario de succès :

The user fills in his username and password

Systeem checks the login and pasword

Systeem shows the applications that are available for this user

user clicks the application ‘freight station management’

user navigates to the grafiek.

System looks at the restrictions of the user and show the groups which are available to him.

User selects the group that he wants to see.

User inserts the wanted parameters

System generates the grafiek

exceptions :

- the user has forgoten to fill in a parameter.

- There are no transactions for this parameter.



Renouveler le graphique



but :

Renewing the current grafiek to update it to the most recent version, this also happens automaticly every 5 minutes.

scénario de succès :

System shows the asked grafiek

User clicks the refresh button

System renews the current grafiek

exceptions :

- There are no transactions for this grafiek






but :

Making a printed version of the current grafiek

scénario de succès :

System shows the asked grafiek

User clicks the print button

System prints the current grafiek

exceptions :

- a hardware problem occured



réclamer les détails



but :

When a user clicks a spoor, train or symbol , he gets more detailed information of that item

scénario de succès :

System shows the asked grafiek

User clicks a spoor, train or symbol.

System opens a pup-up window with the detailed information of that object.

exceptions :

- there is no detailed information available for this item